Ossining JCYS Little League Offers Recreational and Travel Baseball and Softball for Ossining (Town, Village, Unincorporated Areas)
There are 9 Recreational Baseball and Softball Divisions
Baseball Divisions:
Tee-Ball - Baseball Ages 5 & 6 (As off 2021, JCYS will allow any child in OUFSD Pre-K to play Tee-Ball)
Minors - Baseball Ages 7 & 8
Intermediate - Ages 9 & 10
Majors - Ages 11 & 12
Senior Baseball - Ages 13 - 16 (Includes players from Croton, Briarcliff, Cortlandt and other neighboring towns without Senior Baseball)
Softball Divisions:
Minors - Ages 6-8 (2016, 2017, 2018)
Intermediate - Ages 9 & 10 (2014, 2015)
Majors - Ages 11 & 12 (2012, 2013)